Sunday, January 23, 2011

SoCal to SoFlo to see BB!!!

Ahhh... the kids...

Nick pitches from the stretch...
Matt says I likee!!!!

Poppa and Matt chill at the beach...

Breakfast with UJ and AA...

Notice Poppa sportin the Chi-town logo...

Helen and Matt say cheese!!!!

Baseball in the rain!!!

Thanks to HELEN, LADY ANNE, UJ, GPE and UB!!!

We had a blast!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


frozen solid jad said...

Great pics, seeing that sun and beach I can't wait to get away from this zero weather we are having,burrrrrr!

Everyone looks good

Kathy M said...

Very nice pic's Thank you for sharing it put a smile on my face !!! cant wait to see grass and feel warm air..... SoFlo here I come !!!!!!

gpe said...


We realllly enjoyed the your visit too and the kids had a blast with Mathew - he's one cool kid!!