Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Hey New Yorkers!!!!!

Yanks lost...
First frost is on the way...
perhaps its...
Time to get away????
So get on one of these...
(((American Airlines has $99 flights each way for travel in January and February!!!)))

and get away from this!!!!!

And come visit this!!!!

You have a place to stay!!!!

Forget the F. L. A. !!!!!!

So Cal is where you oughta be!!!!!


Rick Steve's said...

Hey fellow travelers, while visiting the Southbay be sure to take in a pint of the Southbay IPA at the Redcar Brewery in old town Torrance, one of SoCal's finer imbibing establishments...

jad said...

leave the frost and snow and cold behind, very tempting, very tempting indeed

Tom Bodett said...

We'll leave the light on for ya...

Kim Comstock said...

Very tempting and I live on the same coast. You kids around over the christmas week? It doesn't look good for us to visit the east coast for the holidays.


Winter builds character..stay away from the land of fruits and nuts...

SoCal said...


We'll be in SoCal for that week and we'd love to have you!

Kim Comstock said...

I'll have to wait until the World Series is over before I talk to my husband about plans. He's a little excited right now.

Thurmon Munson said...

Kim, tell him to enjoy the stress for the next week, for yankee fans something is amiss...yanks

Anonymous said...

Love all the witt on the page and I see a new career in a teachers future with the Cali chamber of commerce, teacher the spelling era is to see if you still got it before you jump ship to another goverment job getting the people from the east and south and mid-west to come visit ur home state and stay for FEE great! I hope the offer isn't tevelized ! how bigs your new diggs?????

Red said...

Hey HeHe,

Your right there will be many hidden FEEs for any takers of our travel offer!!!!....

Bar tab fee
Keg tap fee
Bottle opener fee
Unfinished bottle fee (Unlikely for most Muggs)
Beer fridge replenishment fee
Wine fridge replenishment fee

Not too worry though...
All FEEs are negotiable for the right MUGG!!!!!!