Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Old Picture of the Day - 3/25/08

Moving McCauley's.....even Bubbles makes it into the picture...

Not sure who's on the far left?

The cracked Polaroid

Scott's Photo...love my Frankenstein head


Unknown said...

Great pic John.. keep scanning!

Shouldn't Uncle John have been supervising and Uncle Owen doing some lifting?

Kim Comstock's Hubby said...

Can you try and throw out the dates and locations for those of us "not in the know"? :) Love these old pics... ~Chris

John Mulligan said...

The photo was taken in the McCauley's driveway in Port Chester NY...around - '78 '79

John Mulligan said...

They were movin to Colorado.

Kim Comstock's Hubby said...

Thanks! :) That's awesome... What a road trip!

Anonymous said...

UO was eating!

the person on far left has a Poert Chester shirt on...I wonder why???

Zombie Mugg said...

The person on the left is Owen's friend Rick Swirsky. Not sure about the spelling. I also have a moving day picture that was shot using a Polaroid. In the picture i have Peter D. is in it along with UJ, BB,AJ,Muggs, and Red. I will upload it if anybody wants to see it.

John Mulligan said...

Add it to this post Scott...your a admin? right

joyce said...

post the pic Scott!!

Red said...

Great pics!

Keep on scannin and posting! Anybody and everybody!

Muggs, SWM for admin????


Also: do the Reunion T-shirts have DILLON spelled correctly?????? Please double check before we go to print...

John Mulligan said...

Not sure whats going on with the tshirts..

..Someone let me know what..

File format

Design choice

and who to send it too.

joyce said...

John/Red aren't we are going with the winners of the poll for t-shirt color /font? Or are you talking about something else...clarify.

Once you have the design etc ready/done you can send it t ome & I will give it to Kathy to bring to her guy(t-shirt guy that is)

I'm thinking you may want to preview the the final choice in a post for all to see before we go forward, this is a tough crowd you know!

Zombie Mugg said...

Actually, I'm not an admin John. You three amigos do a good job and since you do a good job I've never felt the need to ask Gary to become an admin. Anyway, I will add the picture to a draft post and if you, red, or gary can put on your post that would be great. My scanner is not flat, so some of the faces are stretch because the photo is from a Polaroid.

Anonymous said...


Poll says gray with black letters and font E...

Muggs it looks like dillon may be spelled dillion on the font choices, cant tell on the tee choices. But correct spelling is DILLON...

Forward the tee info to joyce so she can give to Kathy M. to get the shirts printed. If you dont have JAD email then email me and I will forward...

I dont think a post preview is necessary JAD, better would be photos of the final real printed tee so we all can have extra motivation when buying airfares...

joyce said...

boy how you can turn on that teacher mode, scarey!!!

joyce said...

now ther's a couple of egg-heads, lol!

like the pic SWM

Anonymous said...

I said put the blunt out, sit down and shut up!

Whoops, having a work flashback moment...

By the way JAD, scarey is spelled scary...

helenmary said...

john that mug of you raising your mug is perfect for these post, another good one!! thanks, good one atworkred, but you must remember jad is the elder and we let em slidddddddddde you know what i mean?? LOL hehehe!!

John Mulligan said...

notice the different clothes in each picture....they were not taken on the same day....very interesting

joyce said...

you're a human "spell check"!!

it must have taken them acouple of days to load that truck.