In honor of Mark's birthday here's a quick comic he loved to send some of us... He really liked sending them to Kyle, I don't know why?
Welcome to our blog dedicated to allll the offspring (and the offspring of the offspring and in-laws too) of Owen and Catherine Mulligan of New Rochelle, New York.
John your icon is great...looks like your toasting everything, classic!
GPE would be the guy who jumped, Kyle would be the one still calling him a chicken...
Happy Birthday Mark!
Good post GPE.
who is the guy jumping off the cliff? I never understood these comics when Mark sent them...
Happy Birthday, Mark!!
Hehe aka "Dr. PHILlis", who would you say the characters represent????
first of all lest take a moment to close our eyes and whis mark a happy birthyday,we all know who's at his party,god bless his memory, i don't know anyone who has lost so many loved ones under the age of 50!! so in honer of mark and the the rest, make sure you go to the Doctor and no matter what the f!your told!! deal with it!! take care of it! share it!! because you are loved more then you'll ever know by us your family!! follow grandmas lead, eat like a bird, show up at uncle jimmys breakfast table if you want good eats grandma use say that!!walk everyday!!look at life through the eyes of jesus!!have lots of children and many grandchildren, a few great grand children, go to mass and at 86 sit in your confey chair read your gosip rags and let god call you home!! don't let marks death be in vain he taught us something? it's up to us to figure out what that is? my guess as to who went off the cliff?? it was kyle cuz his thinking is out there like mark, he's deep and would prove a point!!see he said i heard that LOL!!or was it owen??
we are always thinking of you
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