Thank you Joyce for the idea and Uncle Bill for supplying this truly unique piece of family history. If you can read the text you may get a laugh out of some factual errors included in the piece. Maybe the writer got his facts while conducting interviews in the "waiting room" with dads over a few cold ones???
Thank you Gary, although the dates of the births are mixed up it is a great post.
may i suggest you invest in photo shop program to fix these old photos, other than that you did good!!
Actually this picture was perfectly clear so I used the antiquing feature to make it look old!
That is a really cool picture! I love all these old photos, and it's not even my family! :)
One point of interest... Did anyone else notice that this is THE FIRST TIME John Mulligan hasn't been the first to comment??? :) Where's my brother in law?!?! He must be out drinkin... :)
i had that same thought Kim's hubby as i was writing my comment, iam the the first one this time!!
john where are you? and where are some interesting pics from your journeys? i think you are spending too much time on your own blog...come back we miss you!
I agree KCH I love all these old photos too!
By the way hello everybody, I now have my own account set up to join in the fun!!!
By the way GPE my hubby is an awesome Admin!!!!!
John were still waiting for those parkway casino pics...
Welcome to the blog Laura!!!
Your awesome admin was a bit tardy on getting you an account now wasn't he.. but hey I support the redmin and have enjoyed his contributions to the blog. But as admin I do need to be responsive to all our users and some issues and allegations were brought t my attention by "blogger x" that should be addressed so I brought it up for discussion with the whole clan community. Of course now I've gotten reports of bribery and intmidation but they need to be invesigated further....
john you should feeel like the blog V.I.P i too noticed you missing at the top??? girls did you know those moms didn't have to push those babbies out? they put you to sleep and when you awoke you had your baby? laura maybe you can explane that? don't you have to push a baby out if it's not a c section? life was better back then!! LOL did the have labor pains and contractions??? how long did a mom stay after a birth back then, n the no dads seeing you suffer!!! that's where change is good!!! hehehe
joyce um don't want to piss you off, but your right where you belong!! first i mean your 52 52 52!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!john setp aside old ladies first or is that ladies first lol!!!
Welcome Laura, it's about time red brought you into his world. Although are you sure you want to be part of this craziness?? Matthew is so adorable!!
Gary, who cares what blogger-x says...
Helen, how could you..I'm hurt!
FYI, there is another photo & write up of the sisters that was in the NY Daily News, but it is in the vault of mom's apartment & there it will stay until she returns to FL.
Great scan gary!....im workin on the parkway pic...passed the place twice today...doeh....
Thanks John.. I didn't even take the paper off the page (UB wouldn't let me) I scanned it plastic cover and all..
joyce i was just funnin with you!! gpe the picture still looks good crack and all or shall i say tear. there are three angles in that photo!!! so a bunch of us had no mothers for a few days or a week?? i wonder did we get fed and bathed?? LOL
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