Sunday, March 27, 2011

No more tee dada...

Sunday morning batting practice for Matthew... the 3 yr old!!!!


aunt jad said...

Glad to see it's not raining

Good job Maatthew!!

Nicholas watch out you have some up and coming competion.

Nic Says said...

Holy Cow!!

Steve Balboni said...

nice swing...

Archie Manning said...

According to my count, he went 5 for 8 or .625!!!!!

But who's counting...

At least 3 or more of the missed pitches were Dad's fault since they were horrible pitches...

Of course the time he went like 9 for 10 the camera was off...

gpe said...

great job matthew bad job cris

helenmary said...

Looks like you have yourself your very own little slugger! Love the airplane sound affects since i live near a small airport too??? and the dad sitting and pitching or is it tossing from a chair! get that up on you tube! heheee!

helenmary said...

soon you will be hearing in your sleep GOOD EYE! GOOD EYE! from some coach from the sideline of a little league field!