Getting ready for some Lazy River Tubing
on the Hudson River in the Adirondack's of upstate NY.

Mom says "no tubing for me" I'll watch!

HD & McD do the lugging

They are gathering by the river's edge to get ready.
The water was crystal clear.
Not like our part of the Hudson River which is ... well not so clear...

And the Guide says"tubes up"
HD where is yours???

and they're off

We are waiting for them down river and here come some of them now

Hey we found Bullwinkle the Moose!

These kids are Looney Toones

The beautiful Lake George
This could be a contender for the Family Reunion??
Looks like everyone had a lot of fun.
good stuff, lake George hmmm...glad to see evryone having fun...yanks
Nice pics JAD. The adventurers are looking good! The Hudson is not only clear but skinny up that way..that's cool. Need to know from HD if you just kept going in your tube would you make it home, and did it cross his mind!!!!
The Hudson River starts at Lake Tears of the Clouds in the Adirondack Mts. and you could most likely tube from there to home and beyond but why???
No i didn't tube, someone had to take the pics and keep an eye on Lady Anne,LOL!
Red can bring is Chrysler Cordoba back to Lake George....lol
Great pics!
Great to see the families having fun!
I assume Muggs is refering to the Cordoba automobile I once owned NOT the CORDOBA mosque near Ground Zero!!!
What a fun day! Great pics.
Looks like next summer Scott and family will be able to join in on all the fun NY outings since THEY NO LONGER LIVE IN SUNNY HOT FL!!!!!! Looks like a very nice outing indeed!!!! I like our mother would sit out the tubing thing too! Hope all enjoyed....
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