Jeter was relieved of pain and suffering on Saturday 08/21/10 after a a period of degenerative arthritis and other illness. Jeter began his life in 1997 at Aviation Blvd in Manhattan Beach, Ca and enjoyed bike rides and running on the beach. Jeter was trained by John Callaghan and was a disciplined and intelligent dog who found humans entertaining specimens. Jeter discovered how to generate static electricity and shock visitors as they sat on the couch at the Aviation Frat house. Jeter traveled extensively and had driven across country from Ca to Il to NY. Jeter lived out his later years in Chicago with a loving McCauley family and enjoyed walks, drives, and the seasons, including the snowy winter. Jeter was loyal and loving to the end and enjoyed 2 Old Style Beers and a Margarita to ease the increasing pain before the Chicago Mc's made the very difficult decision to let him go. God Bless our loving and loyal Jeter.
RIP Jeter!
I remember staying in CA for a week and Jeter would not let me go to the store by myself. During the week I stayed there Jeter forced me to take him everywhere I went. Jeter is gone but will not be forgotten.
RIP Jeter!!
Sorry for your loss Kyle & Family You had Jeter for a long time and it seems he had quite the life. I feel for you guys.
Sorry to hear the news KCM, Jetes was a special dog and as SWM said will not be forgotten - especially by you.
A good dog.
A great tribute to a great dog!
He will be surely missed and remembered!
I love Jeter. :(
Thank you all for your kind words, we loved Jeter and miss him very much but he gave us almost 14 yrs and he will be in our hearts forever.
I no how you feel, it took me close to 4 years when we lost our SWITCH French Bull Dof, to me he was human and I no the pain u have, it will be very hard to replace such a special DOG, RIP Jeter, and im not a dog lover but I have a heart when it comes to them, so so sorry McCauley Family...
Dear Jeter if you were a found dog or a pound dog you were more special then you will ever know, you gave much love and happieness to the people that loved you and they proved time and time again how much they loved you I once had a dog of my heart and she was from the pound when I had to put her to sleep it was devistating and one of the hardest things I ever had to do but to end faffers suffering it was a true act of love I know how your people family feel. God has a special place for our beloved pets?????????? yes it's true RIP JETER
the dog faffer belonged to Cathleen but she could not read about Jeter so I wrote what she said. I like Kathy am not a dog person but do see how much they mean to the true dog lovers among us and i respect that. Sorry for your loss
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