Monday, January 14, 2008

Mean while on the East Coast...

We get hit with another

"Festival of Snow"

Winter has returned!
It's pretty to look at & that's about it as far as I'm concerned.

These were taken early in the morning.
I don't know how it happened but it looks like little lights falling .

Now don't you West coast & SoFl people miss all this ???


gpe said...

Looks like a winter wonderland!! Nicholas is going to want to visit when he sees thee pics. He wants a guarantee of not just snow, but falling snow, can you arrange that for us?

Red said...

Great counter Joyce!

Your mailbox is really tall, isn't it?

Is it because of the deep snow drifts?

I love the snow sculpture in the last pic, is that another one of Harry's hobbies???

John Mulligan said...

that mess missed us down in westchester...

- great pictures!

joyce said...

Can't guarantee snow falling but I can guarantee cold temps for little Nick

The mailbox needs to be pushed down into the ground more. a snow plow hit it one time & harry never fixed it
That Ice sculpture was a beautiful plant with big flowers when they bloom(i forget what it's called) but it's a goner now!

Those in Westchester were lucky this time but more snow is on the way for Thurs into Friday so we'll see how you fare then, Mr Muggs!

John Mulligan said...

i know...ugh

Anonymous said...

Nicholas, Elizabaeth and I will stay in warm sunny Fl in our shorts

Zombie Mugg said...

Joyce, snow never bothered me, its the gas bill at the end of the month that I never liked.

Red said...

I liked winter too...

Except when we'd run outa oil on Friday at around 4pm in the Rutherford house and they'd want a crazy fee on top of the already expensive oil to come out and fill us up... so we'd go with no heat til Monday... ohhh the memories...

At least in LA when they cut the power out you dont freeze your ***** off!

helenmary said...

um dead give away gary we know it's you!!!hehehe berrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry nice pic and comment about the cold north, i've been here to long to comment on any of that and i don't miss the merries of falling on my a**

joyce said...

no Helen tha anonymous comment is none other than Lauren a true Floridian!!