Merry Christmas
It is my understanding that the blob was created in memory of my Mark - I think it is a great idea and it sure lifted my spirits when I learned about it.
I am not really a participant but I think it is wonderful how all of you guys and girls have a lot of fun communicating and sharing whatever is going on in your lives at the moment.
Anyway Christmas was a favorite time of year for my gentle baby Mark. One of the things he enjoyed most was the grab bag game that took place on Christmas day at whoever house our Christmas get together took place. It was a fun game- Everyone picked a number and if you did not like the gift you got you could take someone else's and the last person had sthe advantage as he or she had a large selection to go after. The lottery tickets and money were most popular.
This year Mark will not be sitting at our table but he will be with us all in memory.
To those of you far away who loved Mark too is following a picture of his Christmas this year. The picture speaks more than words words can say of love and caring. And each week still the one red rose. There is even a green,red and white skirt around the Christmas tree and the manger sitting on it.
Mr. Muggs - Don't even think about leaving the blob - Your are one of Mark's special people!!!
***Posted by Aunt Anne
Merry Christmas and a Great 2008
to the Mulligan Clan from the Sergis Clan!
Also a word for Helen in Florida
to thank you for your good words in October when this blog started.
Sorry I took so long to respond but
I'll spare you the list of excuses
except the best one. My desktop computer went on strike and is now semi-retired. I'm writing this on a new laptop.
Hope Santa brings everyone what they want.
Merry Christmas & Welcome Chick!!!
Mom this a Blog not a blob... but a very nice post from you!!
Very nice post Mom... The pictures say a lot about love you and the WF gang have for Mark...and Im sure Mark has an opinion about the decorations as well (:
Chick thank you for the nice comments. Merry Christmas to all the California Greeks!!
mark would not want any of us to be sad at christmas, he put on his brave face and lived his life to the best of his abilities to the end, he did know that he was loved by each and everyone of us and i speak for my brothers sisters and my mother we will never forget our brother,son , cousin and friend Merry christmas, God takes care of those we lost mark is not alone. God Bless our family.
Well said Aunt Anne, blob and all...
Welcome to Chick the Greek! Keep on INTERLOPIN!!!
Merry Christmas everybody!!!!!!!!!!
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