Nicholas was awarded for the month of November " KIDS OF CHARACTER" The eight character traits are: responsibility, citizenship, kindness, respect, honestly, self-control, tolerance and cooperation. We are very proud of him. Now if we can get him to use those traits at home everything would be perfect.
Posted by Lauren E
How wonderful Mr Nick!!! Congratulations on your award
Tell your mom & dad you're a kid and you are suppose to act up at home, this means you as parents are doing something right!!
Congrats Nick!
Clearly, the apple fell far from the tree...
Great seats for the game....
who's the most proud of Nicholas? aunt helen i gave him his good start and when i gave him back to his blood parents they kept it going, so i expect nothing less of Nicholas he's my super kid!!!! hehe
Great stuff, he sounds like he is a good one of the traits loyalty, clearly his alligence to the Redsox is a testament to that...yanks..out
brofy seems to have that trait as well.....always with the yanks..out
good trait that loyalty.
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