Friday, November 9, 2007

Fall Family Fun

On Wednesday night they had a family turkey decorating get was lots o fun for all that attended...this was the Esposito family creation..

we also made a trip to the Miami Childrens museum...of course I forgot the camera but the kids had alot of fun. We did momentarily lose track of Elizabeth..not a good feeling but we found her within two minutes..

And of course we did hit the pumpkin patch last month..


John Mulligan said...

Great Picture's Gary!

joyce said...

how could you loose Elizabeth??? or maybe she was the one doung the loosing...

very nice pics, good to see Lauren too!

joyce said...

i think Big Scott should watch out Alex has that gleam in her eyes holding baby Matthew

Red said...

Good post Gray, using the blog as is meant to be!!!

Joyce hows your progress on uploading some videos????

helenmary said...

did you mean you lost her on the table??? that turkey is a masterpiece!! i thought the same thing about alex???? can scott carry it??? hehe!!gpe are you going to let red do that to you? i mean who do him thinks he is? an administrator!!defination, to give or dispense, to manage, to mete out!! well now gpe does the shoe fit??? {him} {red} {chris} {dad} {husband}{our cuusin}{brother} {friend} {brother in law}i awaite your reply to this????hehe!! and i see he is checking in on poor old joyce,like what she might forget? or won't figure out how to up him on the video posting when she goes to the new speed? you know what he has? never underestamate the joycester!!! take that you admin you!!hehehe

joyce said...

i'll be ready to try posting videos after 11/24/07 that's the hookup date, the watch out.

he-he i think I'll be able to figure it out , thank you very much

gpe said...

FYI the turkey pic and doc nic pics where taken on cell phone.

The kids and Mom were shopping in the grocery store (at the museum) I was standing at the entrance..Elizabeth went from the market to the ER and then walked behind me to the safety area...and was hugging a big stuffed firedog.. The veterans know it only takes a second and they can wander off

joyce said...

Gary did you know that when Andrea was three she wandered all the way out of the store into the parking lot when we found her...very scary moment! So red get one of those long expandable cord things for Matthew and you'll never loose him.

Red said...

Two things that I saw and very much liked:

The expandable cord thing ( I already use one when we walk the dog)


a backpack in the shape of a monkey that also has an expandable cord connecting parent and child. It the monkey on your back, mom and dad it is hilarious...

gpe said...

cords are for dogs...not kids.. I actually read its notnatural to deny a child the freedom of the cord maybe tempting in some situations but not for me...

joyce said...

I never used any of those contraptions that is why I lost my kids at one time or another...I'm just saying if you want to spare yourself the agony & feeling of helplessness or that t you are a failure as a parent because you let your child wander off. they have things to spare you from all of that.
that is all i meant.

Gary, so your pics are from your verizon phone & network?

helenmary said...

STOP IT!! no cord on a child!!! they have to learn by being told what is expected of them and that starts very young, i never lost a child nor did i ever have a seen in public because my child would listen, children are very smart, well i'm off this subject it makes me mad! yeah as in insane.

joyce said...

Oh Dr Philys, i hate to remind you but you did loose a child once. little joey in the mall. He wandered out of Sears. Boy how we forget these things....

helenmary said...

yes i remember but with that came rules a cord does not teach!!! words and actions do. if you want no worries or trouble chain them to you ankle!!!