Saturday, November 24, 2007

Dogfish Head

Scotts post made me thirsty
...only had the regular old IPA lying around the fridge...


Red said...

Raw, real, surreal, intense, beautiful....


joyce said...

don't like beer never will. but you guys make up for that!!

Zombie Mugg said...

Dogfish head is a great craft brewer. personally, i think his 90 minute ipa is his best.

Stone brewing out of san diego in my opinion is the best craft brewer in the country. i keep on telling red to buy some stone.

While i am on the topic of beer sam adams has a limited release called imperial pilsner. its loaded with hops. a must beer for the beer lover.

love the photos, especially the shirt. when i'm not drinking craft brewed beers, i drink original miller and original miller light. i can buy it as cheap as $5.35 for a twelve pack. Gotta love it.

John Mulligan said...

i will be on the look out for the SA imperial pilsner...thanks for the tip

helenmary said...

is it october fest?????????hehehe!!im with joyce on the beer, why is that our own mother likes beer, come to think of it she won't turn away aglass of wine, and for sure she will be there for a glass of champaine and then again she will sit down and have a bay breeze too!! so whats that say about us joyce??? hehe!! enjoyed the beer post it was fun.

gpe said...

Instant classic, I'm thirsty but I have t settle for Sam Adams Black Lager...

For the record I recall Aunt Maureen, my mom and dad enjoying many a cold Coors on the front porch..

helenmary said...

oh gary!!!