Wednesday, May 11, 2011

West Coast News!

So Kim and I have some wonderful news! We got a new car!! OK, that's not really the news at all, as I'm sure everyone has already heard. We are indeed PREGNANT! After a very long journey we have finally gotten the great news that we are indeed going to have a baby. We are due on October 13th, and have even found out the sex... Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for us during this very trying time, and it has truly paid off! Grandma Jane was able to travel out to San Francisco to take a nice family vacation with us and go with us for our biggest Ultrasound so far, to see our baby boy!

After Jane landed, we decided to take a couple nice shots in front of our quaint home in Pacifica. Jane and I are in front of the smaller outdoor pool, and Kim and Jane are in front of our house.

...and here is Kim and I in front of our larger outdoor pool.

This is "Mom and Grandma's" in front of a cute little baby store in Monterey. Gosh I love shopping...

One of my favorite all time pictures of "The Grandma's" waiting for the Ultrasound before our trip to Monterey.

Here is Kim and Jane in our new baby room... Yes, as you may have guessed, the pictures above were not really of our house in Pacifica. This one is though! We actually drove up to Cambria to visit Hearst Castle after the long weekend in Monterey.

Just a beautiful picture of a beautiful woman with a beautiful background. This was taken 2 weeks after we found out the great news.

Happy Belated Easter to everyone too!

Not quite sure how this picture got in here, but I can't figure out the delete button... :)

...and introducing our baby boy! :) Much love to everyone and we are missing each and everyone of you!


El Duque said...

great news and congrads on the baby!!..October will be a wonderful time of year for a baby and to ship that trophy to the Bronx where it belongs...

jad said...

Congratulations Kim & KCH!!!!

It will be nice to see you at the reunion with the baby bump in tow, LOL!

I have spoken to Aunt Jane and know she is very exciting waiting for the arrival.

Boy is nice too, it seems we are getting more boys in the family. Out of us 23 cousins there are only 6 girls, could it be boys are going to rule in the next round???

Nice post and great pics, keep them coming!

SoCalRED said...

A very nice post indeed!

It is always a good day to hear good things about fellow Muggs!!!!

Can't wait to meet lil fella!

God Bless you guys!

joyce said...

Chris(red) I don't think anyone erased your post, I read it and it was very nice. There is something going on with blogger I couldn't get on it yesterday & i was getting error messages today.

KCH you are welcome to post comment anytime you are part of the family and we welcome your views. Like I said it something with Blogspot maybe an admin can look into it....PLEASE!!!!

gpe said...

Gary come lately says...

Very nice post and certainly GREAT news!!! SoFla is very happy for NoCal!!

And believe me with the new baby coming in October you won't even notice the giants aren't playing anymore!

Blogger was down for quite a while and apparently took a lot of post with it...details here

Thanks for sharing the super news...

joyce said...

Well I think Blogger owes us an apology, why is Chris(red ) comment gone???

Please don't let a technical problem create hurt feelings and the like. This a great blog and everyone associated with it has made it that way. So don't abandon this forum for family news, views and fun.