Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Twenty Five Years for HD

February 10, 1986-February 10,2011
marks HD's
Twenty Five Years of service

In New York Sate Department of Corrections
Congratulations to my hubby!


theHDfanclub said...

Congrats to our leader!!!!

Not the most glamerous gun pic tho...

but it'll do...

Next time we want to see the Beretta!!!

gpe said...

Congrats on the milestone HD!!

John Mulligan said...

Congrats Harry!

helenmary said...

Hay Harry you and big joey are a dying breed Joey hit his 25yr at TITAN AMERICA in September 2010 I don't think the future is going to be the same for our off spring but i can still hope and pray At this point TITAN is trying to survive in this econemy for my sake and the sake of my family i hope things pick up? so he on his way to retirerment 12 more years1 So congradulation on your 25yrs!