Five new born pups an 18 pack of Bud Light and my kids are coming home in an hour. I think I'm going on a bender.
Welcome to our blog dedicated to allll the offspring (and the offspring of the offspring and in-laws too) of Owen and Catherine Mulligan of New Rochelle, New York.
Congrats to Maxie...GOOD LUCK TO SCOTTYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'd be drinkin Jack, but thats just me...
SCOTT you had puppies so fast! please dont tell Cathleen!!!!!! cute post
OMG how cute are they!!!!
good luck scott with the new additons, how many boys and girls did she have??? where is woody??//
Joyce, two females and three males. Maxie will not let Woody anywhere near her pups. As of yet she's not demanding alimony.
Woody is off smoking a cigar and tossing back beers with the daegs on the block - waggin their tales as he admires his work!!!
lota dogs....
I don't blame Maxie one bit, woody you go now!, LOL!
what are you going to do with all those precious pups???
i think it would be nice if Gary took one off your hands for his kids, they are old enough now for some responsibility and a taking care of pet is a good place to begin.
SOOOOOOO cute!!!!! but not as cute as my new puppy :) but i will be more then glad to take one home!!! :)
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