I've been reluctant about putting old photo on the blog because my scanner is over five years old. It is a HP office jet k60 printer,fax,scanner,copier. Its one of those machines that does everything. My neighbor in jersey gave it to me for free about two years ago and it ain't broke so I continue to use it. Anyway, I want to buy a new scanner, but in the mean time this is all I have. I hope you enjoy.
Grandma in SoFlo.

Billy,Owen Xmas 64

unknown holiday

Old Roc Mall----Owen says, this photo was taken at the Nyack Mall after his first Communion.

The Babysitter

Perhaps the first Family Reunion.
Muggs, please continue to post your old photos. I've been enjoying your old family photos. Your posts inspired me to see if my HP officejet k60 could scan at a decent quality. I think they came out decent. I set the resolution to 600dpi seems to have work well.
I will work on them and Repost'em
and thanks again for the package...."The Naked Prey" was great
all fixed....
Is that the Daily News Grandma is reading...
nice job scott, and thx for the bobble head..
good fix on the photos, glad to hear the naked prey was great. i haven't had time to watch it myself. finally watched, no country for old men, loved it. i ordered, right at your door from netflix should get it tuesday. glad to hear you kyle got the packages.
Welcome to the club SWM!
Thanks for posting the pics. Not only did I get to enjoy them myself but I got to view all the pics from the past week or two with my Mom and UB today. Its very neat to have them fill in details on the people and the times...priceless!
PS your dad says you stole the pics from him!!
I saved those pics from the rubble of the trailer park. Owen is the Joyce of our family. If any photos from my father collection are missing he should look no further than Nebraska.
wait aminute swm, ididn't steal any family pics, they just happen to be in my possesion.
enjoyed your post, i think you did a great job scanning & mr fix it too!!
Who can identify everyone at the picnic? I see Aunt Maureen, Aunt Anne, Grandma, Mark... The men? Uncle Phil? Uncle Jr.?
Little help here...
mind reader red!!wow another great post thanks scott, john your now nr fixit??? hehehe!!you guys sure are giving us something to think about!!such good memories.
gary, have mom,uj & ub lookat the last pic here, maybe they can help. i am not sure who is who(men folk)
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