Tuesday, March 4, 2008

McCauley boys (Owen, Kyle, Chris) stop your state of panic.

Dad, AKA Uncle Bill, Big Bill, Papa is not deceased.

I apologize to the rest of the clan for using the blog as an Amber Alert system. But the message must get out that our beloved father, uncle, brother in law is alive and well and smoking in his Hollywood Florida domicile. The South Florida crew maybe small be we are loving and take good care of one another. We do not need interlopers calling us in panic saying there is something wrong with Big Bill because he is not answering his phone. To the interlopers, did it ever come to your attention that Big Bill likes to sleep from time to time? Do you guys realize that from time to time cell phones need to be recharged? People have been known to lose their cell phone. I could go on and on about the myriad of reasons why our father did not answer his phone.

PS--This will be a major topic of discussion at Uncle James' Saturday breakfast. The SoFlo crew will set up a chain of command to handle information dissemination.


John Mulligan said...

I like to sleep...

helenmary said...

FUNNY they can't handle him having a LIFE???? LOL but the thought is sweet knowing how his family worries about him!! PS the mobile home is mine and he is spending all his money!!! his debt we will gladly yet the boy handle LOL!!!! Don't forget he may also be held up at the local 7eleven flirting with the ladies while getting gas and his cup of joe!!!!!hehehe, family got to love um cuz your stuck with them!!!!

Anonymous said...

I thought he quit smoking...ps is that red, I cant believe it...he was so young and in such great shape, not that hes old and fat now...yanks

Red said...

Typical SWM, out of the loop and ill informed once again...

There is a reason why SWM is nicknamed the UNIRAMBLER...

Operation "Find the football(big Bill)" was a scheduled test of the Emergency Bill Location System (EBiLS). This system was establshed in 2003 for the NJ homefront, but since the Big Bill relocation project of 2006 it was hence transferred to the Florida Family Dept. (FFD) Since '06.

But in typical FFD fashion with its lax standards and loose morals there has been no test yet!?

So, the Colonel and I decided to conduct a system test to find Big Bill and ensure proper response time. So we witheld knowledge of this test from the FFD crew namely blabbermouth SWM!!!!

The results from this test appear promising (BB was located), but the final report will not be released for several days...

1 question though, where was SWM?

Anonymous said...

the in case of emergency person would have been called!!!!!

Anonymous said...

damn red looks good, why didn't he ever turn pro???

I hear he didnt want the $$$ he wanted to help the youth of Amerika!!!

Anonymous said...

Next time call Darika or Sanjog at the Seven Eleven if you want to know where your father is.

joyce said...

honestly, you guys better get a better plan than depending on the FL crew, i am now worried about the welfare of my dear uncle. Not to mention Mom(Aunt Anne) & Uncle Jimmy..these people are our legacy and they need to be looked after & cared for.

This same thing happened last year about this time when no one knew the where about of big b.

You should have all taken heed then.

joyce said...

PS like the football red pic

Zombie Mugg said...

Are Gary and I going to have tuck Dad, Uncle Bill, Big Bill, Bill, Papa into bed every night so the other McCauley's feel comfortable? Talk about over reacting. Hell, he was probably just fornicating with the local female population. HaHaHa.

Zombie Mugg said...

Which administrator put the pic of red up? I didn't do it and nobody else other than an administrator could do it. Nice Uni.

Red said...

put the football red pic back!!!!

Zombie Mugg said...

who pulled the football pic. I like the football pic I just wanted know who posted it. somebody took it down between 9:42 and 10:26

Red said...

put the football pic back, I dont have a copy of it and I didn't get a chance to copy it...

put it back!

Anonymous said...

another mystery!!
now put the pic back!!!

Zombie Mugg said...

Muggs or Gary must have the football pic of Red.

Zombie Mugg said...

good job muggs.

joyce said...

mystey solved & looking better than before!!