I know Kim is not as excited as I am (massive understatement), but Baseball is upon us! The Giants played... well they played like dirt and lost. I hate Barry Zito. But the New York Mets won! Anyway, if you like baseball, or maybe you just need a new hat... Amazon has them on sale now! Get your team hat for only 10 bux. Buy three for free shipping. No, I don't work for or own stocks in Amazon.

They've even got one for SWM!
...and here's one for Red (or Pink I should say)

Gwyn's got the pink one...
I notice the NY on the Pink/Red hat is smaller than most????
Is that supposed to mean sumtin my colorblind friend?????
Like I am less of a Yankee fan than John???
Go Dodgers!
UO would never wear the hat with the small NY and UO would kick mr. cleans ass too!
We want more UO pics!!!!!!
ah baseball.. caught spring finale between marlins and yanks saturday but now the real games are here..thank goodness!!
Thank goodness for Direct Tv and my HD DVR!!!!
Now I can watch every Yankee game on YES when ever I want!
Wow Chris! You really took it easy on me... Just trying to jest, and I'm *sure* it was cause the Dodgers whooped the Giants yesterday. :)
On a more serious note, can't wait to see everyone and I'm sure meet a few new family members in CO. CONGRATS to Owen and Amy, Kim and I are jealous...
Keep posting these fun family pictures!
It is early in the season Hubby, plenty of obscene inappropriate commentary will be headed your way no doubt... and besides I hardly wanted to scare you back into bloggexile, we missed your zanny posts and comments!!!
i second that KCH...glad you're back in the fold as they say.
is it too late to order a hat???
i like pink & somebody has swayed my Sarah over to the Mets, i don't know how this happened. i may have to ban her from playing with Ana but that may be a little too harsh.
Nicholas will swau Sarah back to the Yankees
Plenty of hats on Amazon, only 9.99
Some are even fitted with small, medium, large and all.
It was a sweet deal on Amazon!
Thanks for the "welcome back" comments, but I only turned into a lurker. :)
damn lurkers...
I'll take a University of Miami hat in camouflage. Screw the Yankees and their 200 million dollar payroll! The Yanks better win the series this year because they will never win one in their new stadium. Their new stadium is built on the Siwanoy Indian burial ground. The land is haunted. George Herman Ruth is turning in his grave. As long as they have Arod they will choke. This is the same franchise that ostracize Fritz Petersen and Mike Kekich for swapping wives.George Steinbrenner doesn't drink beer! Didn't you guys watch him turn down a beer from a college kid in "The Bronx is Burning". They treat their fans like criminals. You have to sit in your assigned seat. No, I don't want a Yankee hat. Let the admin team support the Steinbrenner family.
why do they need/want a new stadium?
is the new one really being built on an Indian burial site?
it's always in with the new & out with old...disgraceful all for name of progress.
did you know that Arod earns more than the whole marlins team. i heard this on the radio the other day. they were giving out baseball facts.
i don't know know why none of you guys never wanted to be a ball player.
We all wanted to be ball players but then reality sets in..and for some its sooner then others!
Who turned Sarah?, Ana? Met fans turn into Yankees fans..because the misery gets to them eventually but Yankee fans don;t turn into met fans...unheard of...Nicholas is going to be upset....first miguel and now SARAH!!
As for SWM thanks for showing the true met colors...please see my point above.....you and Mark never fooled KCM and me!
Met fan? I root for the Rockies! Go Matt Holliday!
SWM= billy crystal
SWM was never a real Yankee fan anyways, he was always too uppity... like the yuppies he despises he has become!
I gave up on the Yankees when they sold out their blue collar fans. The Yankees should call themselves by their real name The Adidas Yankees.
say it ain't so, he's not uppity.
he has strong opinions but he's not uppity!
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