Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We are not Irish, We are British!

I hate to inform my beloved realitives of this sad fact but we are not Irish, we are British. If any of you took the time to time to read Catherine Mulligan citizenship papers you would have seen that our beloved Matriarch listed herself as a citizen of the British empire. I hereby request that the Irish flag be removed and be replaced with the Union Jack.

Exhibit "A"


John Mulligan said...

ahhh crap....

Anonymous said...

God save the queen

Kathy M said...

I will always say and be Irish decent, no matter what the papers say.

Anonymous said...

never did like Guinness

joyce said...

hmm... to the "elders" with this one.

N. Ireland was ruled by England but that does not make us "British"

Anonymous said...

so all those IRA donations were for naught????

gpe said...

...London's calling!!!

JP said...

yes your grandmother was from Nothern Ireland which was under British control at the time. If you knew your history or were half as intellegent as you pretend you would know the gravity of the insult you have perpetrated not only to your family but to the brave souls that have given thier lives to set Ireland free from the tyranny of British Rule.

joyce said...

thank you, jp

Red said...

SWM is a Tory!

Ooh, ah, up the 'RA!

Anonymous said...

Hey JP, lighten up, everything I say on this blog is in fun and design to encourage discourse among the family. Honestly, I was surprised when I saw grandma listed her citizenship as British. I then thought I would have some fun with it and put it to the blog. I try not to cross the line and insult people and if I do I am more than willing to apologize if asked to. You, my friend have crossed a line. You are a mean spirited person by nature. Now I am going to be mean.

On second thought, I'm not going to be mean. I wish someday you can find the happiness you are so missing. Word of advice happiness doesn't begin and end with the greenback.

Cheerio Mate, or whatever you say.


PS--If you are so concerned about our shared family history and how mistreated we were under England's rule, why the heck did you live,eat,take their money, socialize, and inculcate their culture into yours JP?

I get it, you sold yourself for a few pounds.

joyce said...

So john Mulligan, you make cards? Do you sell them? Is it a hobby? i saw one of your cards with baby Matthew on it at UJ. very impressive.

Red said...

Yes Joyce he does. I have told him many times he should open up a cardshop...

John Mulligan said...

just as a favor to Chris....

joyce said...

you know john that isn't a bad idea. a card shop or done using the Internet could be a joint venture i also like making cards. (not as good as you)you have a talent

Scott, my mom says it's nice to see you guys really took an interest in her posters. it made her efforts well worth it especially since she wasn't feeling all that well when she put them together.

helenmary said...

read all the post over the fl trip you guys made, and all i want to say is you are funny as ***! and loved seeing everyone of you and your beautiful families you make me proud, wonderful people who make wonderlful husbands, father and cousins sisters and brothers!!Your truely are a great family and keep dishing the crap to JP i think he is liking the blog i enjoy his post and the replys he gets.many a day going to our blog makes me smile!! and john you are awsome!!! open that shop!!!!