Monday, January 28, 2008

Back to the Cold Days of January!

Sarah hits the slopes!!
This was her second ski trip this year with the ski club at her school. . Andrea accompanies her on the trip for safety sake. They went to Catamount Ski Resort, located on the Massachusetts/New york line in the Berkshires. It's about 1 & 1/2 hrs from our house. Catamount is one of the oldest original operating ski areas in the northeast. It's a year round family friendly resort.
suited up & ready to go

Sarah & her friend Valerie
everyone has to ski with a buddy
(Andrea is beind the camera)

later I will post the video, stay tuned!!


John Mulligan said...

Very Cool Sarah!...Great Pictures!

Red said...

Great stuff Joyce!

Cant wait for the video...

Skiing, like tennis and golf is a life long skill that brings great joy!!!

Keep on going Sarah!!!!

gpe said...

Looks like fun..

Sarah you've already got a leg up on me..I've never skied!

Keep it up!!

Zombie Mugg said...

There used to be a small micro brewery named catamount. Mark and I enjoyed their beer. Haven't seen them around in years, I guess they went out of business.

PS thanks for going skiing sarah, you brought back nice memories of a good micro brewery for me.

joyce said...

That's what we're here for, memories...past, present & future ones.

Anonymous said...

sara don't mind big scott i guess there is not a spot or event on gods green or in your case white earth that beer won;t go with, just don't drink beer and skie at the same time have fun it's wonderful to see you doing all these cool things, your a very lucky girl stay involved and keep trying new things!! GIRL POWER

Anonymous said...

Actually, when skilled enough and of legal age and maturity... there is no greater pleasure than combining the great "spirits" (jack, jim, bud, bastard, kendall jackson and the likes...) and the snow... in moderation of course or until you hit the condo...

gpe said...

If I mixed alcohol and skiing I'd surely hit the condo in a very literal way!

joyce said...

There will be no mixing of alcohol or anything for Sarah & skiing thank you very much!!!

GE just you on skis would be deadly never mind alcohol!!!lOL!!

Anonymous said...