Monday, December 31, 2007

Hello 2008!

Happy New Year to all..

Auld Lang Syne

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and auld lang syne ?

For more see...

Be well and be safe its 2008!


John Mulligan said...


Red said...

Here on the left coast we have the luxury of celebrating the new year at 9pm!!!

Happy new year from the well rested!!

helenmary said...

we had the best time at uncle bills!! bobby was there and a perfect gentelmen too!!! you guys don't know what your missing on news years eve!! uncle bill has started his very own tradition here in florida!! very relaxing! good food and coffee, wine vodka and the bubbly!! hats and all hope everyone spent the evening in such good company also!! uncle jimmy did not make the trip so he miss a FREE MEAL hehe!! happy 2008!!

Anonymous said...

Happy New year Everyone!!
the wapp fls DeCarlo crew were all not feeling well for new years eve...we rang in 2008 with a bottle of NyQuil.

oh well there's always next year!

John Mulligan said...

same here...

Red said...

You east coasters should celebrate the UK new year next year, would be like 8pm... get drunk n up early without any probs thats what us cool LA folks do... East coast midnght is 9pm, its works for me...

gpe said...

Dpn't worry Red...Joyce was hittin the bubbly at like 3pm in celebration with the commy bastards in Russia...any escuse to pop the cork!!

joyce said...

was not gary...stop lying!!
it was coffee i was drinking at the russian new yer celebration(4pm est)