Sunday, June 10, 2007

New York Botanical Garden - 6/9/07

Hey Everybody - We went to the New York Botanical Garden in the Bronx on Saturday - Thought I would share some photos Gwyneth took at the Rose Garden - john


helenmary said...

hi john it looks like you to have great fun, you do some very nice things togather. thanks for sharing i enjoy looking for you on the blog cuz i never know what your going to post in a day in your life!!!

Kim Comstock said...

Great pictures from the Botantial Gardens. It looks like everything was in bloom. Did you guys take Metro North there? It's such a easy place to visit w/o the car. :)

John Mulligan said...

nah...round trip train ticket was 12 bananas....parkinig was 10

joyce said...

Hey i'xe never been there it looks very beautiful. Is all about flowers?? saturday was a good day for that, too weather wise.

great pics!!

Gwyneth said...

Joyce - they have all sorts of plants, not just flowers.

Here's their web site:

They're right down the street from the Bronx Zoo.

joyce said...

Thankx, Gwyn!!

Red said...

I know the women folk love flowers and all... but for god sakes man show the men a beer shot! Otherwise we loose interest!

What'd you say?

helenmary said...

red you better bring your boy to the gardens and flower placeses!!! no beer just a shot of a little nose itickled by a flower!!!