Sunday, April 22, 2007

X-mas 06 Pics Taken by Mark


gpe said...

Nice post, Kathy, Thanks...

Mark would be impressed with your technical prowess!!

and you are leaving poor Kyle in the dark ages!!!

Kathy M said...

yes but i did have help with the younger gerneration Anthony and Meagan helped me out but i take the credit thanks, we have to keep mark involved our blog so this was a good way to start.

Anonymous said...

i noticed a pic of Big come he hasn'tmade an appearance on the blog?

Whwere oh where can he be?

Kathy M said...

i think he was left in the clouds on is last trip to florida, going back and forth must be hard. he has no time right now or maybe he doesnt know about the blog did anyone tell him???

Beth said...

Actually the concert pictures were from 2005.

joyce said...

Hey Beth
nice to read your comments,glad you can join in.

Kathy, Big Scott does know about the blog. Gary just needs to keep after him or maybe his little bro Red should be the one??

diane e said...

hi all like the pictures i did it i got on . but don't expect picutes any time sooon don't know how!!!