Sunday, April 22, 2007

even more bridges!!

last one, for now............hahahah

I will start new theme tomorrow.....



find the duck....


Red said...

Great Pics Muggs!!!!

cut to Airplane the movie: guy sitting next to babbling woman who unsuccessfully tries to kill himself...

I see your ducks Muggs... They are right f*kkn here!!!!

Or are they up Richard Gere's ass?

John Mulligan said...


Anonymous said...

you are quite the photographer...who knew?

Kathy M said...

john did you try and save the duck it looks kidda dead ???

Gwyneth said...

Don't worry Kathy - duck is fine, she was just trying to take a nap. :-)

Kathy M said...

Gwyneth im glad to hear the duck survived, i thought he was just sleeping or stuck good thing you and john take your walks you my not have found the poor thing. keep sending the pic's, i trying to put some on but im not a pro yet, are you guys coming may 16th to jpyces party, she promised no dogs.

joyce said...

It's may 2oth & dogs are not allowed in the restaurant

Gwyneth said...

We will both be there! It's already marked on the calendar. :-)